Add New Session

Create New Session

Click as shown below to start the process of adding a new session.

After clicking as shown above (first step), the entry fields for the skeleton of a new sssion become enabled and visible. Enter the title and select the session type for the new session as shown below.

Once a session is saved by clicking the Done button shown above, offerings for that session can be added.

Independent Learning Modules

A session may also be saved as an Independent Learning Module (ILM), created with an estimated number of educational hours rather than a calendar-based date and time. To create such a session, select the “independent learning” check-box, and enter the associated number of educational hours, a "due-by" date or postrequisite learning activity. Learner groups and instructors can be added as well.

ILM's can also be created as a pre-requisite for an upcoming session. Click here for more information on ILM's.

Last updated