

A group of learners identified with the same graduating year, and thus having the same set of curricular, or graduation, requirements upon matriculation. Cohorts are usually identified by school/program and graduation year: "SOM Class of 2027." Within Ilios, the Cohort is the key associating factor between individuals (Instructors, Learners) and Courses, as well as defining the particular “Level” or “Levels” of a Course.


A controlled vocabulary of school-specific educational domains of knowledge. Competencies may be divided into sub-domains, and may be mapped to Objectives within a curriculum. Competencies are maintained at the School level.


A Curricular object that defines the content and structure of a specific instance of coursework available to the school or program.

Course Level

Point in educational time / progress within a given program for an individual or cohort of individuals. This is represented as an attribute of Course.

Curricular Object

A Program, Course, Session, Offering, Independent Learning Module (ILM), or any other object tracked in Ilios as part of the medical school curriculum.


A subgroup within a larger Learner Group often referred to by a name (Blue group/team) or number (group 1, group 2b). These may be made up of both individual person objects and other subgroups.


The entry of a Learner into a specific Program or Course.


This denotes a collection of people (Learners or Instructors) which can be associated with Sessions, Offerings, and Independent Learning Modules.

Group Attributes

This refers to assigned metadata for any selected Learner Group. These labels do not create hierarchical associations or relationships with other objects or data in the system. Group Name, Default Instructor(s), and Default Location are examples of this along with Default Virtual Learning Link and whether or not learners within the learner Group require accommodation. Defaults are only applied in the case of Offering(s) created using "Small Groups" option upon Offering creation.

Independent Learning Module (ILM)

A Session for a Course without a specific location or time of occurrence. Independent Learning Units are comprised of Learning Materials, an expected number of educational hours or duration for the learner to complete the content, and a due-by date. These are also referred to as Independent Learning Modules or ILM's. These are asynchronous learning activities performed by the Learner at their time of choosing before ether a specified Due Date or another upcoming Event.

Learner and Educator

The record of an individual who can be assigned to an object within the system. Learners are the user records for people who become enrolled in curricular activities. Educators are basically everybody else in that they are the people who create, manage, and deliver the curriculum. They could be faculty, staff, or executive leadership.

Learning Material

Digital assets (such as files) and information (such as citations and web links) which may be associated with curricular objects.


Acronym for Medical Subject Headings. This is a controlled vocabulary that may be associated with curriculum objects and learning materials. Click here for more details.

Not Published

The default status of an object (Session, Course) which is not finalized and does not display in detail on the public calendars or to learners. Users with edit privileges may see, edit, and modify these objects. The other states available for objects are Published and Scheduled.


These are free-text entry fields for desired learning or teaching outcomes for a given curricular object. These may be general Program level Objectives (also referred to as graduation requirements), Course level learning Objectives, or Session level teaching Objectives. They can be mapped to School-level Competencies and Competency Domains. Because of this mapping, Objectives should cover one learning outcome at a time. Creation of separate objectives for each expected or hopeful learning outcome is recommended. These are hierarchical in nature - Session objectives can be mapped to Course objectives which can then be be mapped to Program Year objectives which can be mapped to Competencies and/or Competency Domains.


The scheduled (time and place) representation of a Session or teaching unit, represented on the calendar: in other words, when the curriculum for a particular session is “offered”.


A specific course of study for a given school.

Program Year

A year of instruction for a Program.


The final, accessible version of curricular material that is delivered to learners and made available for public access via such interfaces as a calendar or search.


An intermediate state of a Session or Course where some required elements are missing; but you wish to have the students block off this time for the Session Offerings. These offerings show up on the Students’ calendars as “TBA”.


A session refers to a section or unit of a course with specific attributes of type and content. Sessions may be represented as multiple or singular time and place Offerings or as Independent Learning units with an estimated duration of educational time. Sessions (generally Independent Learning Modules (ILM's)) can be associated with a follow-up Session. These learning activities should be completed before the follow-up takes place, or by a specified Due Date and time.


Vocabularies are categories or collections of Terms (school-specific categories of learning) that can be selected and attached (tagged) to many curricular objects within Ilios. In previous versions of Ilios, these were known as Topics, which have been converted into one of the Vocabularies.

Week at a Glance

This view gives students the detailed information they will need to navigate the current week. This includes all of the offerings they should be attending along with all of the learning materials associated with these offerings. Pre-work activities and Independent Learning Modules (asynchronous learning activities) are also included.

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